The first performances of Divine Interventions by @corpusdanceprojects in Kingston took place today! Don’t miss the upcoming shows… at 3:00 PM and 7:30 PM tomorrow, Friday, July 26, and Saturday, July 27, starting from Kingston Grand Theatre. Co-presented with The Kick and Push Festival and Les Tréteaux de Kingston.
Find details above and purchase your tickets at
Divine Interventions
July 25 @ 3:00 PM and 7:30 PM
July 26 @ 3:00 PM and 7:30 PM
July 27 @ 3:00 PM and 7:30 PM
Presented by the Frontenac Cultural Centre and the Kingston Theatre Alliance as part of the Kick & Push Festival 2024.
Divine Interventions
Produced by CORPUS.
This is a processional performance covering approximately 1.5 km.
Please wear comfortable shoes.
Start: Kingston Grand Theatre, 218 Princess St, Kingston ON K7L1B2
End: Kingston City Hall, 216 Ontario St, Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
Created by: David Danzon, Anika Johnson, Matthew O’Connor
Choreography: Bonnie Kim and Matthew O’Connor
Music Composition: Anika Johnson
Costume Design: Carolin Lindner
Photos: Jae Yang
Performers: Barbara Fulton, TrudyLee Gayle, Barbara Johnston, Tracy Michailidis, and Michelle Yu
Produced by CORPUS. Premiered in Toronto in May 2022.
Presented by the Frontenac Cultural Centre and the Kingston Theatre Alliance as part of the Kick & Push Festival 2024.